tastily touring: visiting belize with an authentic ceviche recipe

Belize lies on the eastern or Caribbean coast of Central America and is bordered by Mexico to the north and (partly) to the west. The remainder of the west and the south of Belize is bordered by Guatemala. Belize is the least populated country in Central America. Belize is a diverse society that was the only nation in the region with a British colonial heritage that also has cultural ties to the Caribbean and Latin American countries. Territorial disputes between the United Kingdom and Guatemala held up Belize’s independence until 1981. The history of Belize predates European influence as it was originally populated by the Amerindians (Caribs, Arawaks and Mayas). Mayan civilization spread from the Yucatan Peninsula, to the north, down to Belize. Mayan civilization flourish in Belize from around 200-800AD and begins to decline in the late 800’s to 1000AD. The first Europeans arrived in 1511 when shipwrecked Spanish... Read the Rest →