easy desserts & recipes: new york times chocolate chip cookies with nuts

Finding the ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe can be akin to finding the Holy Grail. Once you find it, you will have eternal life, well… in the case of the best chocolate chip recipe, let’s just say you will attain eternal bliss. It takes time, a lot of patience, a whole lot more of trial and error, and maybe a pound or two in the weighing scale to reach perfection. I’ve been hearing a lot about the New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe that was initially published in July of 2008 and was adapted from the recipe of Jacques Torres. I decided to give the recipe a try last month since chocolate chip cookies are always a must during the holidays. This is no ordinary recipe. To achieve absolute perfection, you must strictly adhere to the Cookie Commandments. 1. Mix the ingredients with absolute precision. 2. Wait the prescribed... Read the Rest →


easy desserts & recipes: new york times chocolate chip cookies with nuts

Finding the ultimate chocolate chip cookie recipe can be akin to finding the Holy Grail. Once you find it, you will have eternal life, well… in the case of the best chocolate chip recipe, let’s just say you will attain eternal bliss. It takes time, a lot of patience, a whole lot more of trial and error, and maybe a pound or two in the weighing scale to reach perfection. I’ve been hearing a lot about the New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe that was initially published in July of 2008 and was adapted from the recipe of Jacques Torres. I decided to give the recipe a try last month since chocolate chip cookies are always a must during the holidays. This is no ordinary recipe. To achieve absolute perfection, you must strictly adhere to the Cookie Commandments. 1. Mix the ingredients with absolute precision. 2. Wait the prescribed... Read the Rest →