tastily touring: a visit to bolivia with a coconut pudding recipe

We last visited Bhutan, a landlocked country in Asia. Today we visit another landlocked country, but this time we find ourselves in central South America. The country of Bolivia, Plurinational State of Boliva, is bordered by Brazil to the north and east, Paraguay and Argentina to the south, Chile to the southwest and Peru to the west. Bolivia is named after Simon Bolivar, the freedom fighter who helped Bolivia gain independence from Spanish rule in 1825. Prior to the arrival of the Spanish and European colonization the Andean region of Bolivia was a part of the Inca Empire. But, when the Spanish colonized the region it was referred to as Upper Peru and was only renamed Bolivia after 16 years of fighting (from 1809-1825) when independence was won. While Bolivia is a Democratic Republic, its history is full of strife. Over 200 coups, counter-coups and economic instability define the rocky... Read the Rest →


easy desserts & recipes: {winner announced} cherry blossom extract giveaway (sakura) petit fours

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year where all the flowers start to bloom in all their glory. Usually, spring in Japan means cherry blossoms! A cherry blossom is actually the flower of several varieties of trees from the Japanese Cherry, also known as “sakura”. The most popular cherry blossom in Japan is the Somei Yoshino. Its flowers are almost all white with a tinge of pink, like blushing cheeks. The flowers are in full bloom for only about a week and many people, locals and tourists alike, flock to ogle the majestic beauty of these wonderful trees. They are truly one of nature’s grandest spectacles. Cherry blossoms are very much sought after, not just because of their beauty, but because of their edible blossoms and leaves. They are not to be mistaken for the trees that bear edible cherry fruits which belong to a completely different... Read the Rest →


easy desserts & recipes: {winner announced} cherry blossom extract giveaway (sakura) petit fours

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year where all the flowers start to bloom in all their glory. Usually, spring in Japan means cherry blossoms! A cherry blossom is actually the flower of several varieties of trees from the Japanese Cherry, also known as “sakura”. The most popular cherry blossom in Japan is the Somei Yoshino. Its flowers are almost all white with a tinge of pink, like blushing cheeks. The flowers are in full bloom for only about a week and many people, locals and tourists alike, flock to ogle the majestic beauty of these wonderful trees. They are truly one of nature’s grandest spectacles. Cherry blossoms are very much sought after, not just because of their beauty, but because of their edible blossoms and leaves. They are not to be mistaken for the trees that bear edible cherry fruits which belong to a completely different... Read the Rest →