For children there is nothing like the sheer joy of Christmas morning. What colorfully wrapped gift to open first? Or should the stocking be emptied first? We all have our Christmas morning traditions and many of us have fond memories of what we did as children.
As a child I had a very particular routine on Christmas morning because I wanted to make the morning last as long as possible. I would slowly walk into the family room, inhaling all of the glorious aromas from the kitchen as my mother, who quite possibly never went to bed the night before, was preparing the Christmas feast. Once I arrived in the family room I would survey the glittering, shimmering scene before me. Presents under the tree. Check. Stocking laden with gifts and candy. Check. Chocolate Christmas ornaments hanging on the tree. Check. Candy canes. Check. Bowl of ribbon candy. Check. Ceramic Santa bowls filled with those infernal chocolate Christmas balls wrapped in foil. Check.
Let’s pause for a second: If you were a child whose parents…er…Santa brought those chocolate balls into the home you might not need to read what I have penned as you could probably tell a similar story. The chocolate balls were and are a nightmare to open. You could lose track of time unwrapping the incomprehensibly thin foil that, somehow, became one with the chocolate. Your fingers would have chocolate on them because it would melt due to the duration of time you held the chocolate ball trying, with great determination, to unwrap the blasted thing. Then there is the foil itself. The foil never came off in one piece. There were bits of foil everywhere and you could find any child in the house if you just followed the trail of colorful foil bits. Keep in mind it was the same parents that brought these chocolates into the home that would spend a good deal of the day telling you to stop making a mess and pick up the foil bits.
Of course, the first candy I (Santa) bought for my children were those same chocolate balls. Traditions must be kept at all costs. Now, my teenagers mutter through chipmunk sized cheeks filled with chocolate, “Why do you buy these?! They are such a pain to unwrap!” (As my husband vacuums under their feet.) It is my hope that my children will carry on the tradition.

The tradition of candy and treats at Christmas goes back to simpler times when children were thrilled to receive their
sweets in the form of an orange. And, for me, it was, oddly enough, always the candy that made Christmas seem that much more magical. As a child I never had candy in the house so to see it displayed in bowls, hanging on the tree and best of all, personally gifted to me in my stocking, well it was like walking into Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory.

I love walking into a candy shop and looking at all the options from the elegant and expensive to the whimsical. I felt the same sense of childhood happiness when I visited
Sweetniks. The variety of caramels made my mouth water. You can choose from blood orange, Belgium chocolate and licorice caramels to name a few. The nougat...yum…French fig walnut, orange blossom pistachio…need I say more. Of course, there are also the passion fruit marshmallows that make you just sigh.
What really caught my eye were the many varieties of candy pops, bright, colorful lollipops in shapes, colors and flavors to delight everyone. The snowflake and/ or the candy cane pops would look magnificent placed on your tree. Offer any adult a mojito lollipop or a Grand Marnier lollipop and you will see their eyes sparkle like a child while they enjoy the sophisticated flavor. Visit Sweetniks and you will be sure to find a little something for everyone from the youngest to the oldest. Bring some of that Christmas magic into your home.
Visit Sweetniks and place an order soon. Photo Credit: Sweetniks Shop
Marina (yummy mummy)
December 3, 2011 at 12:46 pm //
I love this story of Christmas tradition. Thanks for sharing. Christmas at your house (now and as a child) sounds wonderful. And sweet :)
December 3, 2011 at 1:10 pm //
These are so cute and creative! They’re perfect for little kids, and anybody else for that matter! I love the trees, so festive, perfect for Christmas gifts :)
December 3, 2011 at 5:01 pm //
Wow, love the last picture! So cool!
Emily @ Life on Food
December 3, 2011 at 8:18 pm //
As a child (and today) I always get so excited for Christmas morning. I cannot wait to get out of bed. I want the whole day to last as long as possible.
Parsley Sage
December 3, 2011 at 9:16 pm //
I still think an orange at the bottom of your stocking tastes better than any other you’ll get during the year :) Fabulous lollis! Buzzed
Kiri W.
December 4, 2011 at 6:04 am //
Wow, these are pretty! I love them all :)