Avocado citrus salad otherwise known as “slat avocado ve pri hada” is a Middle Eastern delight that will brighten any table on a hot summer day. My husband and I love this salad. But, before I give testament to how much we the love avocado citrus salad let me back up a few days. When I went to the farmers market on Saturday morning I found these wonderful little gems called physalis pruinosa otherwise known as husk tomatoes or, as the farmer called them, ground cherries. When I asked, “What do I do with these?” His reply was quite simple. “Eat them.” Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer. The smart a– farmer’s wife heard our exchange and came over to assist. Unfortunately, I heard a great deal about how time consuming it was to pick ground cherries, which I don’t doubt and no culinary suggestions. I bought them... Read the Rest →
If you are the parent of a competitive swimmer then you understand how an entire 3 days can be consumed by a swim meet. This past weekend a friend had a small dinner party. I wanted to go because I knew it would be relaxing and the food would be delicious, but the expectation from the hostess as well as guests was that I was to bring dessert. I love the opportunity to bake for a small gathering and not just my family. However, on a swim meet weekend this can be a problem. How can it be done without losing vast hours of sleep? Here are my tips on baking in a pinch: 1. Whenever you make a pie, tart, cookie or any freezable dough double the recipe and freeze the portion you do not use immediately. (Don’t forget to label the dough to be frozen!) 2. You might... Read the Rest →
As I’d always like to say, “It’s all about the sauce”. A key ingredient is carrots. It packs the right amount of richness with the balance of sweetness and tanginess. By adding fennel infused sausages which I love (although I’ve noticed being abroad has a short supply of this). The combination of all the ingredients come together to create rustic flavors that take me back to my grandmother’s kitchen. I’d like to share with you the recipe that I use so that you can enjoy it as well. The recipe for the mother of all sauces: 2 bottles of Luigi Vitelli strained tomatoes 1 head of garlic 2 medium carrots 2 medium onions 3 tbsp of basil to taste (if you have fresh, use that) 3 tbsp parsley to taste (fresh is always better, though dry would do) Dice the carrots and onions into small cubes. Mince the garlic. Over medium... Read the Rest →
I have often loved side dishes more than the meal itself, this Japanese inspired potato salad is no exception. Potato salad is one of those sides which are so versatile, every family has their own version. What’s not to love more than a cool, refreshing, and filling side dish during the summer months. What I love the most is that Japanese potato salad doesn’t have any acidic overtones. Potato salad for me is synonymous with cookouts, picnics, and lounging around on the beach with your coleman cooler snuggled between the sandwiches and beer. While living abroad, I had the opportunity to try Japanese potato salad, and while each family’s version differs, this is the one I love the best. Japanese Potato Salad with Crab Fresh, caned or frozen corn Thinly sliced cucumbers Thinly sliced onions (they should be soaked in water, and drained so they are less potent. A few... Read the Rest →
July 4th. Independence Day. The day when all Americans celebrate their freedom. From one region of the United States to the next traditional foods are prepared with the anticipation of backyard feasting and evening fireworks. One of my favorite meals to prepare for the 4th of July is a traditional crab boil. Growing up on the east coast of the United States and having family members who reside in Maryland the crab boil became a focal point of summer family gatherings. When our Maryland cousins visited they brought bushels of blue crabs. My family simply boiled them, set out copious amounts of melted butter atop tables layered with newspaper and, with mallets in hand, the feasting began. Often referring to our great country as a “melting pot”, we are proud of our many cultures. What better way to celebrate the freedoms that allow us to cherish our individual cultural backgrounds... Read the Rest →
July 4th. Independence Day. The day when all Americans celebrate their freedom. From one region of the United States to the next traditional foods are prepared with the anticipation of backyard feasting and evening fireworks. One of my favorite meals to prepare for the 4th of July is a traditional crab boil. Growing up on the east coast of the United States and having family members who reside in Maryland the crab boil became a focal point of summer family gatherings. When our Maryland cousins visited they brought bushels of blue crabs. My family simply boiled them, set out copious amounts of melted butter atop tables layered with newspaper and, with mallets in hand, the feasting began. Often referring to our great country as a “melting pot”, we are proud of our many cultures. What better way to celebrate the freedoms that allow us to cherish our individual cultural backgrounds... Read the Rest →