During the long, cold months of winter we mourn the loss of our trips to the farmer’s market, basket in hand, warm breeze and sunshine. However, winter does not have to be completely devoid of this experience if you create your own windowsill
garden. Looking at pots of fresh herbs growing, leaning towards the winter light coming through frost covered windows can be soothing. Snipping fresh herbs to add to your winter meal is satisfying.
If you enjoy planting a vegetable and flower garden out of doors it might not be too early to get those seeds started depending on the climate zone in which you live. Beginning your garden from seed can be a little challenging, but it is also extremely rewarding. You’ll need to do a little research and planning: (1) Read about the climate zone in which you live. (2) Decide what you’d like to plant and learn about the growing cycle for each variety of vegetable and plant you choose. (3)Order your seeds and buy a plastic seeding tray (that can be reused) and the proper soil. (4) Plant the seeds according to the germination cycle and growing cycle so that they are hardy little
plants when it is time to plant them out of doors. In this way you can get your garden started in the middle of winter. Watching the seeds sprout and grow will make winter seem so much shorter.
We highly recommend that you also research ethical gardening methods for your own health and that of the environment. It is a wonderful feeling when you garden and reconnect to your environment. You will feel good about yourself. So, instead of buying your seeds from the hardware store, where packets seem to pop up on a spinning stand in the beginning of spring, try ordering heirloom and organic seeds online.

Seeds do have a shelf life. Hardware stores, supermarkets may not always carry the freshest seeds. The result could be demoralizing for a novice gardener. Through no fault of their own the seedlings may not thrive. We find that purchasing your seeds from a reliable source is the best solution. After research and planning, purchasing the best seeds possible is the next step.
Moonlight Micro-Farm run by Chandra Hartman sells a wide variety of seeds. We love Chandra’s commitment to growing and her can-do spirit. Chandra describes herself as “an avid gardener, fermenter, composter, dirt-digger, permaculture designer, re-wilder, doomsteader, and general all-around DIYer.”
We are impressed with her desire to grow within an urban environment and applaud her desire to do so ethically. Chandra states that she has limited access to fertile land and goes on to say “I grow what I'm able using the ethics, principles, and elements of urban permaculture. My focus is on building soil and community, acquainting myself with perennial wild edibles, and heralding the tiny and humble seed.”
Take a peek at Moonlight Micro-Farm . You will find a nice variety of cool season and warm season seeds as well as a large variety of sprouts and a very nice selection of tomato seeds. Photo Credit: Moonlight Micro Farm
Magic of Spice
January 8, 2012 at 3:19 am //
What a great post! I am fortunate enough to live in CA and have a long growing season for most things, and my herbs do well year round.
Thank you for the introduction, I will hope over and check them out :)
January 8, 2012 at 7:19 pm //
Ah… Cali…Where the weather is nice all year round (except for the Valley, what a scorcher)! Let me know if you check them out, and thank you for commenting.
Kiri W.
January 8, 2012 at 3:37 am //
I wish I could have a garden, but I live in an apartment building. My hope is that our next place might at least have a balcony for a few planters :)
January 8, 2012 at 7:17 pm //
Here’s to hoping to a massive large balcony in your next space!!!! You can opt for a small potter/ window ledge?