We will return to our regular schedule January 4th 2012!
Winter is the time of the year when we crave those rich comfort foods that make us feel like we are swaddled in a warm, fuzzy blanket of goodness. There are many other times when comfort foods are required to relax frayed nerves. Some of those stressful times are caused by the very people who are supposed to support and soothe us: our family.
We all have one. We call that family member the black sheep and it is his/her’s sole purpose in life to make the rest of the family cringe. Some people may have an entire flock of black sheep and you may be the only little white lamb adrift in a sea of darkness.
We ask that you share your stories, and you should have plenty after the holidays, with us and the comfort food you long to eat when you have to deal with unpleasant family matters. We can find comfort in each other’s food and stories, learning that we are not alone in dealing with our outlandish family members. And, maybe we can share a laugh or two. Comfort food, laughter and camaraderie are perhaps the best cure for many family woes.
Please do not use real names.
movita beaucoup
December 29, 2011 at 10:31 pm //
We post a PPR on the refrigerator every Christmas. That’s a… ahem… Poop Progress Report. It helps keep track of our visitors with “travel belly.” With big checkmarks when you report a success. So, I guess in my crew, we are all black sheep. Perfectly happy to torment any visitor to the humble abode. Even if you cringe. Because in my family, that’s festive!
January 1, 2012 at 4:31 am //
NOW that is hilarious! Can we borrow your idea? PPR, it’s so refreshing to hear about family’s that are so down-to-earth! Black or White sheep, we can all come together in solidarity. Thank you for sharing this with us. Happy New Year!
movita beaucoup
January 3, 2012 at 6:35 am //
Yup. Feel free to post your own PPR’s any time of the year – and be sure to check on everyone’s progress loudly and frequently.
December 30, 2011 at 12:56 am //
Holidays always brings the best in our humblest group….most like to let there hair down a bit/ lot, outrageous antics are displayed often, only for the reactions of others – that’s if anyone choses to indulge…over the years, simply just let it go and look forward to the new display of holidays Hell…
Food is the blessing, which settles things down-to-earth for a while anyway…
January 1, 2012 at 4:16 am //
Many of us find great comfort in being able to relax, let our hair down, kick back and take it all, embrace it. The antics is something we look forward to each year, of course, food and alcohol, is such a a blessing!
Happy New Year, and thank you for sharing this with us.
December 30, 2011 at 2:23 am //
This is such a great idea! I love it. We had my in-laws staying with us for the holidays and their two little Boston Terrier dogs. It was a full house and we always struggle with all the weird dynamics with my husband’s family when we are in such a small space together. Needless to say this time was no different. The dogs were peeing and vomiting all over the house. My in-laws are completely obsessed with calories and refused to eat about half the stuff I made because it was too fattening. I felt like I was being judged by every little thing I put in my mouth and my daughter’s mouth. That is infuriating to me since I love to eat good healthy food most of the time and feel its okay to indulge on special occasions. But, all food and dog weirdness aside…we did have a very nice Christmas with them. They are family after all and you have to love them no matter what. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
January 1, 2012 at 4:12 am //
Hi Maggie, you are such a brave woman, being a host for the in-laws is quite a feat. We throw caution to the wind with calorie counting for the holidays, as much running around as we do, here’s to hoping we burned more than we ate.
It is absolutely OKAY to indulge on special occasions & holidays! The Food and Vomiting aside, it sounds like it went quite well “wink”.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
marie claire saint maux
December 30, 2011 at 5:45 pm //
one Christmas Eve I had offered the girlfriend of my son, to make a personalized slimming diet for her. (I’m a dietician)
My intention was good but was not appreciated at all.
There was a thank you that froze the rest of the evening.
January 1, 2012 at 4:27 am //
I can understand you had the best intentions, it’s second nature and your profession, perhaps she might have taken it the wrong way, that she needed to “slim down”, I’m sure your son knows your intentions were dear.
We are looking forward to “an after holidays cleanse”, liquids and some solids! Special occasions and holidays are one of those times we indulge, although, being so busy, we are most likely to burn it off “hopefully”! We are already looking forward to Valentines Day Chocolates. Thank you for sharing this story with us & Happy New Year Marie!
December 31, 2011 at 1:18 am //
Hey Anna! Thanks for dropping by! Loved visiting your page, will subscribe right away! Happy New Year :)
January 1, 2012 at 4:18 am //
Thank you so much for Commenting Ambika, Happy New Year!
Snippets of Thyme
December 31, 2011 at 1:29 am //
Yes, I’m afraid we may more of the “flock” quantity. One thing I have noticed since my entry into the blogging world, is that several family members want to be ‘featured’ on my blog. So….they start telling me stores that involve the history behind recipes and how emotional the food is to them. They even send me super blurry photos hoping that I will include that too. It is quite hysterical at times and endearing at others!
January 1, 2012 at 4:18 am //
Your family sounds like so much fun, what a blessing (or not) “wink” to have everyone share their recipes, the story behind them, blurry photos and all! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
January 1, 2012 at 5:56 am //
Everyone in my family is just as normal as me! GREG
January 1, 2012 at 1:45 pm //
Happy New Year Greg!!!! Were you able to receive our cards? How was your holiday?
Only Fish Recipes
January 2, 2012 at 7:30 pm //
Hi there…first time in your space n I just loved it…..I’m glad to come in here n I’m ur new follower…..do visit my space sometime….wishing u n ur family a very happy new year :-)
January 4, 2012 at 8:20 am //
Thank you so much for visiting! Happy New Year!!!
January 3, 2012 at 7:01 pm //
Hi , thanks for stopping by and your nice comment on my Focaccia..
by the way , I LOVE your photo with the knife, I guess I need one of those :)
January 4, 2012 at 8:23 am //
Thank you Nesrine!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!!
January 3, 2012 at 9:48 pm //
Over the holidays I have to spend time with my aunt and uncle who are always trying to force on me this sugar pill that they take that they swear cures everything. No really. It’s actually a pill made up entirely of a type of sugar that they swear is the best thing since sliced bread. And this year they tried to convince me to take this other pill made up of this compound that’s in apple skins. Their daughter takes SIXTEEN of the pills a day. It’s always a war zone when they try to argue medicine with me.
That’s when I start reaching for the extra slice of cake.
January 4, 2012 at 8:22 am //
OH Joanne, my word, a sugar pill, Apple Skins, I like alternative options but I’d be reaching for two slices after that! That sure sound fun to be around though! Happy New Year Joanne!