salads: slat avocado ve pri hada

Avocado citrus salad otherwise known as “slat avocado ve pri hada” is a Middle Eastern delight that will brighten any table on a hot summer day. My husband and I love this salad. But, before I give testament to how much we the love avocado citrus salad let me back up a few days. When I went to the farmers market on Saturday morning I found these wonderful little gems called physalis pruinosa otherwise known as husk tomatoes or, as the farmer called them, ground cherries. When I asked, “What do I do with these?” His reply was quite simple. “Eat them.” Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer. The smart a– farmer’s wife heard our exchange and came over to assist. Unfortunately, I heard a great deal about how time consuming it was to pick ground cherries, which I don’t doubt and no culinary suggestions. I bought them... Read the Rest →