easy desserts & recipes: cherry blossom & matcha layer cake (entremet)

Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing, is usually an indication that spring has arrived! It’s that time of year when people in Japan flock in droves to the parks to appreciate the beauty of the sakura or cherry blossoms. The age old practice of admiring the beautiful flowers has existed for centuries. For the Japanese, it is known to have started in the Nara Period (710-794) when the custom was limited to the Imperial court but it soon spread to the common Japanese people and then the world! Cherry blossoms have since become more than just being admired for their beauty, they have become a coveted ingredient for baking pastries. They literally “look good enough to eat!” I don’t know who the person was who had the idea that cherry blossoms could be yummy, but he (she?) sure was enterprising! Many Japanese pastry shops proudly display eye-popping (and later, gut-popping) creations... Read the Rest →


easy desserts & recipes: cherry blossom & matcha layer cake (entremet)

Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing, is usually an indication that spring has arrived! It’s that time of year when people in Japan flock in droves to the parks to appreciate the beauty of the sakura or cherry blossoms. The age old practice of admiring the beautiful flowers has existed for centuries. For the Japanese, it is known to have started in the Nara Period (710-794) when the custom was limited to the Imperial court but it soon spread to the common Japanese people and then the world! Cherry blossoms have since become more than just being admired for their beauty, they have become a coveted ingredient for baking pastries. They literally “look good enough to eat!” I don’t know who the person was who had the idea that cherry blossoms could be yummy, but he (she?) sure was enterprising! Many Japanese pastry shops proudly display eye-popping (and later, gut-popping) creations... Read the Rest →