fudo finds: homeward bound hot sauce & sweets by kim plus jeenovino
1. Homeward Bound Hot Sauce Meals Ready to Eat otherwise known as MREs are what our military members exist on when in the field. They are quite complete meals, if unappetizing. Some of the meals come with the teeny tiniest bottle of Tabasco Sauce. Many service members are happy to use this on their less them appealing meal. While Tabasco Sauce is a mainstay and there is nothing inherently wrong with it, military members might have like to enjoy some interesting hot sauce flavors in their MREs. We found some flavorful and fun hot sauces at Homeward Bound Hot Sauce. “Drunk Uncle” is…well…best described by the maker of the hot sauce: “A complex mix of smooth, slow-burnin’ peppers with a southern whiskey barbeque spankin’! Patiently-aged, this sauce embodies “southern sophistication.” Then, there is Patty Cake for those of us who have little tolerance for the heat. The little dogs who... Read the Rest →