holidays & recipes: kale with coriander sauce and poppy turnips

Continuing with our menu for the ancient holiday dinner we present to you the side dishes, which are unique, flavorful and make a pleasing presentation. The first is kale with coriander sauce and the second is poppy turnips. Both recipes are found in The Philosopher’s Kitchen by Francine Segan. Cato the Elder, a Roman statesman, wrote a book called On Agriculture. Cato wrote: “Of the medicinal value of the cabbage: It is the cabbage which surpasses all other vegetables. It promotes digestion marvelously…Dislocations will be healed quickly if they are bathed twice a day in warm water and a cabbage poultice is applied…Cabbage can be used as a poultice on all kinds of wounds and swellings… If you wish to drink deep at a banquet and to enjoy your dinner, eat as much raw cabbage as you wish…it will make you feel as if you had not dined, and you... Read the Rest →


holidays & recipes: kale with coriander sauce and poppy turnips

Continuing with our menu for the ancient holiday dinner we present to you the side dishes, which are unique, flavorful and make a pleasing presentation. The first is kale with coriander sauce and the second is poppy turnips. Both recipes are found in The Philosopher’s Kitchen by Francine Segan. Cato the Elder, a Roman statesman, wrote a book called On Agriculture. Cato wrote: “Of the medicinal value of the cabbage: It is the cabbage which surpasses all other vegetables. It promotes digestion marvelously…Dislocations will be healed quickly if they are bathed twice a day in warm water and a cabbage poultice is applied…Cabbage can be used as a poultice on all kinds of wounds and swellings… If you wish to drink deep at a banquet and to enjoy your dinner, eat as much raw cabbage as you wish…it will make you feel as if you had not dined, and you... Read the Rest →