easy desserts & recipes: a bittersweet confection remembering 3-11-11

Last year, Japan experienced one of the biggest natural disasters. Last March 11, 2011, 15,782 people died from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the resulting tsunami. As of this September, 4,086 are still missing. For anyone who has been a part of such a tragedy, I can only imagine that everyday is a struggle to pick up the pieces of your life and go on living. I found myself contemplating “giving thanks” when it was Thanksgiving this past year. Although Thanksgiving is a holiday is predominantly celebrated in the United States for the end of harvest season, hence being thankful for the good harvest. I believe that Thanksgiving, in a manner of speaking, should be a universal holiday where people can celebrate by being thankful for whatever good fortunes they have experienced in life. New Years is more widely celebrated all over the world. For the many people who... Read the Rest →


easy desserts & recipes: a bittersweet confection remembering 3-11-11

Last year, Japan experienced one of the biggest natural disasters. Last March 11, 2011, 15,782 people died from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the resulting tsunami. As of this September, 4,086 are still missing. For anyone who has been a part of such a tragedy, I can only imagine that everyday is a struggle to pick up the pieces of your life and go on living. I found myself contemplating “giving thanks” when it was Thanksgiving this past year. Although Thanksgiving is a holiday is predominantly celebrated in the United States for the end of harvest season, hence being thankful for the good harvest. I believe that Thanksgiving, in a manner of speaking, should be a universal holiday where people can celebrate by being thankful for whatever good fortunes they have experienced in life. New Years is more widely celebrated all over the world. For the many people who... Read the Rest →


just desserts: wagashi chestnut bean cake

A bean cake is something that you either love or hate at first bite. Have you ever heard the saying “it’s an acquired taste”? Whenever someone tries to warn you that you’re about to try something typically horrid… well, I don’t think you can acquire the taste of something you don’t like at first bite. It’s more like you want to taste something again (whether it’s nasty or not) because you want to be reminded of a memory that is associated with familiar tastes and smells. I’m no psychologist or Freudian expert, but it all adds up. Elementary, my dear Watson… Wagashi is a traditional Japanese confection made with bean paste (shiroan), a common ingredient used in many Japanese sweets. These desserts were typically served with tea. Its name was derived from a careful formula that best emulates natural beauty and a word from the context of ancient Japanese literature.... Read the Rest →