What happens when you receive a package from your dear friend who resides in Tokyo? In my home the entire family gathers to see what has been sent. Marie sends me many fun packages. My husband and boys enjoy the chocolates and candy. And, I receive many wonderful girly things like lip balm, hand gel, soaps, etc. I feel like a kid at Christmas for all the packaging is brightly colored and brilliantly decorated. None of the labeling is in English. All the print is Japanese. Sometimes I have no clue what is in the packaging until I open it to peek at the contents. On one occasion I had left the contents of one of Marie’s care packages on my kitchen table. I was at work one day and my husband called me at work and this is the conversation we had: My Hubby: “Babe, I think some of... Read the Rest →
What happens when you receive a package from your dear friend who resides in Tokyo? In my home the entire family gathers to see what has been sent. Marie sends me many fun packages. My husband and boys enjoy the chocolates and candy. And, I receive many wonderful girly things like lip balm, hand gel, soaps, etc. I feel like a kid at Christmas for all the packaging is brightly colored and brilliantly decorated. None of the labeling is in English. All the print is Japanese. Sometimes I have no clue what is in the packaging until I open it to peek at the contents. On one occasion I had left the contents of one of Marie’s care packages on my kitchen table. I was at work one day and my husband called me at work and this is the conversation we had: My Hubby: “Babe, I think some of... Read the Rest →
We know her as Sophia Loren. But, she was born in 1934 as Sofia Villani Scicolone in Rome, Italy. Her desire, beauty and talent elevated from a child of poverty to an international film legend in her own time. Her quote “Many people think they want things, but they don’t really have the strength, the discipline. They are weak. I believe that you get what you want if you want it badly enough.” Gives a glimpse into what propelled Sophia Loren into the eyes of the world. She has appeared in no less than 94 films. She has graced the covers and pages of many magazines and books and she is an author. She shares her love of cooking in her cookbook Sophia Loren’s Recipes and Memories. Not only does the book provide delicious recipes, both elegant and easy to prepare, Sophia Loren shares her memories. The Introduction is fairly... Read the Rest →