tastily touring: visiting brunei with a black rice pudding (bubur ketan hitam)
Brunei Darussalam’s official name is the Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace. It is located on the north coast of the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia and is bordered by the South China Sea and Malaysia. It is in Southeast Asia that we find ourselves as we continue our tastily touring journey. The Brunei Empire thrived from the 15thcentury to the 17th century. During Brunei’s golden age it controlled the entire island of Borneo and into the Philippines. Chinese and Arabic records show that as early as the seventh or eighth century A.D. an ancient kingdom existed near the Brunei River. After a succession of Empires controlled the area the Brunei Empire emerged to dominate the area. While the rise of European colonialism and influence in the region disrupted the economic trading flow Brunei was able to survive internal battles. However, it became a protectorate of the British... Read the Rest →