Both of my children have or are taking Latin in school. My youngest took it for two years and is now taking French. My oldest, who struggled through a year of Spanish is now taking Latin and loving it. I find it extremely interesting and as the “quizzer” during study time I’ve enjoyed learning a few Latin words and phrases. Cross word puzzles are notorious for using Latin words and phrases as clues and since I love to do crossword puzzles helping my children study their Latin has helped me. The word “amas” is very popular in puzzles as well as “amat” and “esse”. “Sine qua non” and “quid pro quo” are two very popular phrases. “Sine qua non” means “an indispensable condition” or “a condition without which it could not be”. The term “quid quo pro” means “something for something.” Today we use the term “quid quo pro” as... Read the Rest →
Both of my children have or are taking Latin in school. My youngest took it for two years and is now taking French. My oldest, who struggled through a year of Spanish is now taking Latin and loving it. I find it extremely interesting and as the “quizzer” during study time I’ve enjoyed learning a few Latin words and phrases. Cross word puzzles are notorious for using Latin words and phrases as clues and since I love to do crossword puzzles helping my children study their Latin has helped me. The word “amas” is very popular in puzzles as well as “amat” and “esse”. “Sine qua non” and “quid pro quo” are two very popular phrases. “Sine qua non” means “an indispensable condition” or “a condition without which it could not be”. The term “quid quo pro” means “something for something.” Today we use the term “quid quo pro” as... Read the Rest →
Father’s Day. It is when we pause to say “Thanks Dad.” We may all have different ways and different reasons to say “thank you”. Some may be more traditional than others, but no matter how you say it, for most fathers it is a day when they replenish their sock supply, stock up on after shave or add, yet another, tie to their wardrobe. These are easy gifts for young children to pick out and purchase. But, if you have a little bit of time, you can add a special touch to your Father’s Day celebration. When you take the time out of your day to bake something it shows that you truly appreciate the many hours that Dad devotes to his family. Baking with your children is both fun and an eye opener for they are creative in ways that only children can be. The keys to a successful... Read the Rest →