holidays & recipes: russian easter eggs and how to peel boiled eggs and easter mice bunny stuffed eggs
Ever Since I was a girl I have been fascinated with Russia. As I am an American with Sicilian roots it confounded family members that I would be so interested in Russia. My interest may have something to do with the fact that I grew up during the cold war era. The USSR was always a topic of conversation or in the news. Of course, there were the romanticized stories about Anastasia as well. And, what girl didn’t know the names Nadia Comaneci or Olga Korbut? (While not Russian both gymnasts came from soviet bloc countries; Romania and Belarus.) I grew to love the Matryoshka dolls, the art of Evgenia Antipova, Faberge eggs and hand decorated Russian Easter eggs. And, when I had children of my own I found a children’s author that I just adore, Patricia Polacco. I fell in love with her artwork and her stories. One of... Read the Rest →