kitchen myths & fads: to be or not to be gluten-free plus a nutty chocolate chunk banana bread recipe
At the beginning of every New Year, after indulging during the holiday season, many people are ready to turn over a new leaf. New Year’s resolutions vary, but one of the most popular is the resolve to lose weight. Evidence of just how popular this resolution is can be found on the covers of magazines that hold within their covers the secrets to losing weight, cooking segments on morning TV shows that demonstrate lighter versions of everyday meals and on the shelves of our local markets where Slim-Fast cans and diet aids replace baking products and holiday candy. I can’t help thinking that people are becoming too paranoid with their never ending need to stay thin and lose weight. And, with each New Year there seems to be a fad diet lurking around the corner. Some of these diets have scientific validation, while others are just plain silly. Fad diets... Read the Rest →